Finding Facts Among all the Propaganda
When I was searching for historical facts about virology and germ theory I often felt overwhelmed by all the nonsense that populated the results. So this list is an attempt to make it easy to find the facts (with links to the original sources) about all the scamdemics. I find virology simple to understand now that I know how the scam works.
First a list of the documentaries that explain how the fraud works, second books, third the people who are regularly creating content debunking virology and germ theory and all of the medical industrial complex, and fourth a list of resources debunking each of the well known scamdemics.
1. Documentaries debunking virology:
The Viral Delusion. I found this to be a great overview that simplified virology.
The End of Germ Theory. I found this helpful in explaining more dense stuff.
The End of Covid. In depth video series debunking all of virology.
2. Books debunking virology:
3. People debunking virology:
4. Debunking each scamdemic:
When I was looking into Smallpox I found the data or records to be so old it was hard to validate or verify the numbers or facts of what happened. My understanding is all pox (small, chicken, monkey, etc.) are the same symptom for the body detoxing or getting rid of stuff our body doesn’t need anymore. Here is a spacebusters video on pox, and here is another video. What Really Makes you Ill writes about Smallpox.
In addition I found it mind blowing that former Ukrainian president Viktor Yushchenko was poisoned with dioxin and developed pox on his face which doctors credit for saving his life.
Measles video by Dr Tom Cowan. Measles article by Mike Stone. Measles video by Dr Sam Bailey. Here is a thread about measles. Also Stefan Lanka won his court case saying Measles has never been proven to exist, I found it very telling that a google search mentions the lower court decision but it is very hard to find a link to the appeal which Stefan won.
Spanish Flu:
MILTON J. ROSENAU, M.D. Transmission Experiments. I made a video going over this experiment. Also Viroliegy has a flu page with lots of comments.
Common Cold:
Can You Catch A Cold interview. Book. I made a video on the “common cold”, here is a paper.
I found the book: The Moth in the Iron Lung a tragic and fascinating overview of the Polio story. I made 3 videos on Polio with a bunch of links in the descriptions: video 1, video 2, video 3. Also The Viral Delusion and Virus Mania go over polio.
Video from Dr. Sam Bailey about Rabies. The Rabies Delusion by Brendan Murphy. Dr Tom Cowan Video on Rabies.
Lyme Disease:
Dr. Sam Bailey video and studies on Lyme, and here Dr Tom Cowan talks about Lyme.
Aids or HIV and stds seems like a huge topic. I was a kid when that scamdemic was announced and remember feeling scared and it programmed into me the nonsense that sex is dangerous, blood is dangerous, and germs can kill. I haven’t taken the time to read all the studies, by the time I got through researching polio I knew how the virology fraud worked and trusted the debunkers are also right about so called aids. Virus Mania, The Viral Delusion, and Dr Sam Bailey std videos talk about this. Also I found what David Rasnick and Kevin Corbett have to say very believable and fascinating. Also I find it ridiculous that a “deadly virus” is survivable for over 30 years, Earvin Magic Johnson is now labeled HIV undetectable. A study is credited for “proving” this happens after a person takes big pharma drugs for life, but the methods say everyone got the drugs and there is no mention of a control group. So more pseudoscience that doesn’t follow the scientific method. In this video Celia Farber and Kevin Corbett show us the outrageous propaganda and the fraud of the Aids scam.
Video from Dr Tom Cowan discussing Ebola. Long in depth article from Jon Rappoport.
Covid has been covered in detail by the people debunking virology. Also The End of Covid goes into deep detail about all of virology and germ theory as well as the history that led up to “covid”.
I found this video with Dr. Tom Cowan to be great at going point by point in debunking the covid claims.
Why haven’t contagion experiments been done with “covid”? Or why do they do ridiculous unnatural transmission experiments (like injecting something into animal brains, pumping stuff into their lungs, or some other cruel torture)? People can be experimented on (injured and killed) with toxic drugs and injections but not with so called viruses? Where’s the controlled experiment where a saline spray with “covid” and a spray with just saline solution is sprayed onto people in a random double blinded study? Or a spray with the “flu virus”?
Masks have been debunked because there are no disease causing viruses, there is nothing to stop: Mask facts. I also made a video going over some studies done with masks and “covid”. Denis Rancourt went through a bunch of mask studies and found that masks don’t work, his article has links to the studies.
There are no viruses nor any proof of people spreading contagious diseases so obviously lockdowns can’t work and are insane authoritarian nonsense. Denis Rancourt went through the data on “covid” lockdowns and deaths. And a another worldwide look at the tyrannical policies of trying to imprison people in their homes, video by Dr. John Campbell.
Webinar with Daniel Roytas on Parasites. Bitchute link.
The Ivermectin Games video from Drs. Bailey. Dr. Tom Cowan video on Ivermectin. A dark tale (or maybe just missing hope for a better future?) of Ivermectin. For myself I wonder why Kory and Weinstein were on Rogan #1671 in year 2021 scamdemic waxing on and on about how “great” this drug is?
Some of these papers written about medical and virology experiments are behind expensive pay per view paywalls, often it seem this is done to keep regular folks from reading them. Institutions seem to offer access to their members for free. So this website offers free access to everyone:
Paste a DOI link and the website shows the full paper. For example here is the John Enders cell culture paper DOI on “Measles”:
From page 9 of the pdf file:
“A second agent was obtained from an uninoculated culture of monkey kidney cells. The cytopathic changes it induced in the unstained preparations could not be distinguished with confidence from the viruses isolated from measles.”
While a sick practice in itself, not washing your hands after defacating can also make you sick.