Contagion and Infection Have Been Disproven
People Were Exposed to "Viruses" and No One Got Sick
Doctors and Scientists have tried to infect or spread viruses from person to person and failed. Sick people don’t make healthy people sick. The purpose of science is to test an idea and find out if it’s true or not. If disproven then throw it out and move on to the next idea.
Here are experiments that were done to try and make well people sick, they failed:
"After our volunteer had had this sort of contact with the patient, talking and chatting and shaking hands with him for five minutes, and receiving his breath five times, and then his cough five times directly in his face, he moved to the next patient whom we had selected, and repeated this, and so on, until this volunteer had had that sort of contact with ten different cases of influenza, in different stages of the disease, mostly fresh cases, none of them more than three days old. We will remember that each one of the ten volunteers had that sort of intimate contact with each one of the ten different influenza patients. They were watched carefully for seven days—and none of them took sick in any way."
There were several attempts in these experiments to spread the flu from sick people to well people using various methods. Why had I never heard of this before 2020? Why haven’t pharma, med schools, and health authorities fully investigated this? Ask your Doctor if they have ever heard of this experiment. Why hasn’t every so called “virus” been repeatedly tested like this?
Here is a video I made on this flu experiment. Also Viroliegy has a page on flu.
1919 - Some Experiments on the Transmission of Influenza
H. R. Wahl, George B. White, and H. W. Lyall
"In all of the experiments the general cond apparently unaffected by the application of ba influenza material, or by the suspension of the enza bacilli. In no case was there the least symptoms of influenza... The fact that the volunteers received such massive doses of influenza bacilli, much larger than could possibly happen through natural means, with no symptoms, makes it very doubtful if this organism alone can cause this widespread epidimic."
Five volunteers were exposed to the flu and none got sick. If viruses are “highly contagious” and we need to wear masks, lock ourselves in our homes, stay 6 feet from people then how did these people not get sick? Why hasn’t this experiment been repeated 100’s of times before declaring any “pandemic”?
1924 - Experimental human inoculations with filtered nasal secretions from acute coryza
Robert C. Robertson, Robert L. Groves
"In this series of experiments, nasal secretions were secured from 11 persons suffering with acute uncomplicated coryza. After being diluted and passed through a Berkefeld filter, these secretions were sprayed onto the nasal mucosa of 100 volunteers. The experiments presented no convincing evidence. indicative of a filter passing organism as the exciting factor in acute coryza. We believe the cases recorded as positive to be the result of factors independent of the inoculations."
They gathered nasal secretions from 11 sick people and tried to make 100 people sick. They concluded it didn’t work, they were unable to spread any “virus”. We have been told repeatedly these are highly contagious diseases, and one needs a hazmat suit to be protected. Why is it so hard to prove contagion? Viruses don’t exist, infection is a myth.
1928 - “The Common Cold” Etiology, Prevention and Treatment
Volney S. Cheney
"COLD IS NOT INFECTIOUS The first thing that I want to oppugn is that ‘a cold is an acute infection.’ I have been able to disprove this by experiments on a number of people free from cold by trying to inoculate them with the secretions of an individual suffering from an acute cold. As infectious diseases are generally most contagious in the period of incubation or the early stages, I chose the time when the secretions were most profuse for my inoculations. In no single instance was a cold contracted. It is true that a cold will frequently run through families and through offices where the clerks are closely associated, but this does not prove that a cold is spread by contact with other persons. These individuals, in the home and in the office, are subjected to the same unhygienic conditions of environment,"
Germ theory was called out a century ago, saying the Terrain is the cause not some imaginary “virus”. Why have billions and trillions of dollars been spent hunting imaginary viruses instead of investigating environmental and other causes of disease? Why in 2020 wasn’t healthy lifestyle, diet, exercise, sunshine, clean air water food recommended, mandated, and subsidized?
1975 - Evaluation of topical interferon inducer in experimental influenza infection in volunteers
R G Douglas Jr, R F Betts, R L Simons, P W Hogan, F K Roth
"Ten volunteers received CP-20,961 and 10 received placebo. Interferon was detected in nasal secretions of nine of the former and three of the latter group (P < 0.05). Seven in each group became ill, and severity of illness was not different."
They got the same results in both the “virus” group and the placebo group, showing the methods of the experiment is what made people sick and not some imaginary “virus”. For me this highlights the importance of a control. Need at least 2 groups where everything is exactly the same except that one groups gets the “virus” and the other group does not. When they do the genetic testing/sequencing/assembling they rarely if ever do a control. Can a lab be given 5 different blinded samples and tell the difference between flu, covid, lung cancer, pneumonia, and a healthy sample?
2004 - Replication of SARS coronavirus administered into the respiratory tract of African Green, rhesus and cynomolgus monkeys
“Clinical signs of the febrile respiratory illness that defined SARS in humans or afebrile respiratory tract illness were not observed in any of the monkeys following administration of 106.3 tissue culture infectious doses (TCID50) of SARS CoV."
In the few pages of this study they say 5 times the monkeys didn’t get sick. This whole “asymptomatic” nonsense is a total scam. The so called tests for these viruses have never been validated, no gold standard has been found, the error rate is impossible to calculate because no “virus” has ever been found. Nor has any “virus” been shown to cause disease or be spread from person to person or animal to person. Take a pregnancy test, 10 months later either there is a baby or there is not. Is there such a thing as an “asymptomatic” pregnancy and birth?
How many times does a theory have to fail before we throw it out and acknowledge it’s junk pseudoscience?
Can You Catch a Cold? Daniel Roytas wrote an excellent book that goes over many studies done where they tried and failed to prove contagion. His interview with Dr. Tom Cowan, with Dr. Sam Bailey, and on The Way Foward.
Here are more contagion studies. Some are hard to read, others really old, or source unknown. I found them worth looking at and learned a thing or two:
Here is DPL’s page with a list of contagion studies.
Also a Twitter thread with a list of contagion studies.
A webpage with a list of contagion studies.
Aldhissla has a substack with a list of failed “Polio” contagion studies.
Spread the message!
Check out my list of failed polio contagion studies: